Torq Resources Begins Phase II Drilling at Margarita Project

InvestorSarfari Comments:

We shouldn’t expect ground-shaking news from a 2-minute interview, although Shawn Wallace does his best to summarize the point of phase two drilling at Margarita. The search is on - to determine the scale of the copper-gold deposit below the ground. Refer to our previous dissection of the Margarita discovery here (intended for the many novice investors who need context to make sense of the numbers being tossed around).

Wallace sprinkles additional optimism for the area around the Lucky 13 drill hole: that it’s in “a very favorable location.” The discovery so far is not at high elevation thus avoiding equipment access issues. It’s close to established paved roads with electrical power. Also the few communities in proximity seem to be supportive of the project. You can’t ask for better mining conditions (short of dancing in and scooping out handfuls of precious metal in a beach bucket).

Would love to hear more about the specifics of community outreach, since it seems this is what enabled Torq to acquire the equally promising Santa Cecilia property. What are they doing differently that other companies may be ignoring? A feel-good community story would be nice just about now!

Kudos for Shawn not using hideous green-screen for the interview. Two thumbs down for the distracting cardiac arrest waveforms in the background. Let’s focus on content for a change with these interviews.

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CREDIT: The Power Play by The Market Herald


Torq Resources Director Buys on Open Market


Shawn Wallace, Executive Chair, Torq Resources