Lion One Sets The Bar For Those That Follow, says President

InvestorSarfari Comments:

A short but comprehensive article from the Fiji Sun.

Fiji’s Head of State yesterday said he was impressed with the management of Fiji’s next gold mine.

President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere met with landowners, staff and management of Tuvatu’s alkaline gold project at Sabeto, which is owned and operated by Lion One Metals, a Canadian-registered company that is listed on four stock markets.

A conservationist with previous interests in Aquilo Gold, Ratu Wiliame said he understood the complicated balance between the environment and development.

Lion One has invested over $145 million in the alkaline gold project, which is under construction as it prepares for production late next year, after which it hopes to realise returns on its multi-million dollar investments.

Ratu Wiliame’s visit to Tuvatu, where extensive mineral exploration continued to deliver promising high-gold grade results, followed an invitation from the company, which has a market capitalisation in excess of FJ$200 million.

“With Lion One, I am very impressed to know the trend, what you are doing here,” Ratu Wiliame said.

“Not only business-wise, but most importantly, your commitment to the communities and to the environment, is something I’m extremely passionate about.

“I am pleased to see this example as a leading environmentalist.

“I am pleased to see this progress as we set up further trade and investment.

“This is an example for future companies; this sets the bar for those coming that follow.”

He met with company president Walter H Berukoff, a shrewd businessman and self-made multi-millionaire, with extensive

experience in the mining sector, including Vatukoula gold mines.

Mr Berukoff said through the blessings of Ratu Wiliame and the country, Lion One could share in its success.

“We are determined to build a mine here,” Mr Berukoff said. “We didn’t do this by ourselves. “We are visitors in this country, and we always will be.”

Lion One secured a license to mine the site, after its lease was extended to 2035.

Lion One was founded in 1996 by Mr Berukoff, a Canadian businessman who calls Fiji home.

Tuvatu was discovered in 1988 by the late Bill Brooks, a geologist who dedicated his life in Fiji’s mineral exploration.

Lion One Sets The Bar For Those That Follow, Says President (


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